Julie Nord

Min søster og jeg tog en smut forbi Julie Nord udstillingen på Gl. Strand den sidste dag at udstillingen kørte. Hun laver nogle virkelig flotte billeder, dog gik vi derfra og var lidt skuffet over udstillingen. Vi havde fået et indtryk af at det var noget større. 
My sister and I went to see the Julie Nord exhibition at Gl. Strand in Copenhagen. We went there the last day of the exhibition. Julie Nord makes such wonderful pictures. I must admit that I thought the exhibition was bigger than it was.
Julie Nord
Julie Nord
Der var et rum som var lukket af med store tunge gardiner, inde i rummet hang et par billeder, samt noget meget kunstnerisk tapet. 
One of the rooms the entrance were covered with thick curtains, inside the room there were a couple of pictures and there were some really beautiful wallpaper on the walls.
Julie Nord
Julie Nord Tapet
Elsker virkelig hendes streg. Går og drømmer om at eje et af hendes prints en dag.
I really love her pictures, one day I hope that I will be the owner of one of her artworks.
Julie Nord